X-Ray Binary: XBs

Celestial objects emitting intense X-rays are generally called X-ray sources. In particular, stars emitting X-rays are called X-ray stars. Most of X-ray stars are close binary systems, which consist of a normal star and a compact object, such as a neutron star or a black hole. These are called X-ray Stars in Close Binary or simply X-ray Binaries.

X-ray binaries are classified into X-ray bursters, X-ray pulsars, X-ray novae, and so on.

強いX線を放射している天体をX線星(X-ray star)と呼びます. X線星の多くは, 中性子星やブラックホールなどのコンパクト星と通常の恒星からなる近接連星系で, それらを近接連星型X線星とか,たんにX線連星と呼ぶこともあります.
中性子星(あるいはブラックホール)と通常の恒星からなる近接連星でも, 激変星と同様な過程で降着円盤が形成されます. 激変星の場合との大きな違いは, 白色矮星に比べ中性子星の方が重力ポテンシャルの井戸がはるかに深いので, より高エネルギーのX線が放出されることです.

The kind and structure of the X-ray Binary

◇Black Hole Binary◇

Cyg X-1 : Light curve
Cyg X-1 : Spectra
Cyg X-1 : Model
Cyg X-3 : Spectra
SS433 : Model

◇X-Ray Burster◇

4U1636-536 : Light curve
4U1636-536 : Spectra

◇Low Mass X-Ray Binary◇

Cyg X-2 : Spectra

◇X-Ray Pulsar◇

Her X-1 : Light curve
Cen X-3 : Spectra

◇X-Ray Nova◇

GS2000+25 : Light Curve

Line Profile of Accretion Disk
Line Profile of Relativistic Accretion Disk

Relativistic Accretion Disk

Discovery of a black hole

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